Hotel Praděd Thamm
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Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
Hotel Praděd Thamm
aktuálně -0.4 °C jasno
27.12. | jasno | 1.2 °C
28.12. | jasno | 2.5 °C
29.12. | polojasno | 2.9 °C
Krnovská 197
793 76 Zlaté Hory

Česká republika


+420 730 155 166
Krnovská 197
793 76 Zlaté Hory, Česká republika
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Hotel Praděd Thamm

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Sanatorium EDEL

Sanatorium EDEL

This children’s treatment centre for respiratory illnesses with speleo-therapy is located in the pure environment of the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains. One of the main treatment methods is speleo-therapy, which involves stays in underground ... (more)
-0.4 °C
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Transport in Jeseníky