Doing the thing we fear is the first step to success. 08.12.2021 - "The cross-country skier, the visitor, the hiker ... " begins to explain the director of J-SCR Tomáš Rak and continues "We are all used to monitoring the status of the white tracks on the website So why are we switching to a completely new and unique in Europe info portal There are several reasons. The most important one is that we have not been able to push through the necessary changes with the operator of for a long time. Moreover, our webmasters were dissatisfied with the stability and functionality of the whole system. Another reason is the maximum effort for clarity, timeliness and interestingness. The portal, which we have developed together with the rollbars and we will operate it ourselves, will definitely fulfil all these requirements! We will not be dependent on anyone and the costs associated with this system will be covered by a subsidy from the Ministry of Regional Development and our general partner ČEZ a.s. The entire portal will display information from the tourist destination Jeseníky without regional borders. Visitors to the Jeseníky Mountains will thus get all the information in one place, as is the case with the tourist information portal! "In addition to the age of the groomed white trail, cross-country skiers will now be able to see its current condition, the time of the rollerblading, including its location, as well as important information from rollerbladers, their tips and secret "tips". They can view additional information about parking, nearby refreshment options or other related services. We've also accommodated the MPA, CR Forestry, Archbishop's Woods and landowners, and will post updates on logging or other closures in approved cross-country trail maintenance areas. This will also increase the safety of cross-country skiers in the field. By displaying only groomed trails, it will no longer happen that a runner goes to a place where there is no trail at all and where a skidder is just cutting his or her own path." "The absolute novelty will then be the possibility for cross-country skiers to add their recommendations, information, photos and even videos. And it doesn't stop there! In the future we plan to strengthen the social dimension of this portal. A runner who allows location sharing will thus appear on the trail and can thus connect with his friends directly on the trail. Or maybe find a new friendship..." The information portal is now being community-tested, by both rollerbladers and cross-country skiers, and will go live on January 1, 2022. | |