Ski areal Heroltice
aktuálně 17.3 °C oblačno
28.07. | polojasno | 20.8 °C
29.07. | jasno | 21.2 °C
30.07. | jasno | 22.7 °C
Heraltice 82 , 789 91 Štíty, Czechy


+420 724 892 700
Heraltice 82
789 91 Štíty, Czechy
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Ski areal Heroltice

Approximately 200 m behind the pub begins the ski slope. The slope is 500 m long with a lift. In the ski centre is also fast food. The ski slope is ideal as for the adults as for families with small children.
The lift is in service on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Wednesday, Friday nad Saturday is available evening skiing. There are many modified cross-country trails for cross-country skiers.
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Tulinka - Tobogán (červená)

Tulinka - Tobogán (červená)

Obtížnost: středně těžká
Čas: 2 minut
Délka: 0.33 km
Stoupání: 7 metrů
Klesání: 12 metrů
Nejvyšší bod: 384 m.n.m.
Nejnižší bod: 372 m.n.m.
17.3 °C
Yescard discount card
Transport in Jeseníky