Hotel Helios, Lipová-lázně
aktuálně 1.8 °C mírné sněžení
15.03. | mírné sněžení | 0.7 °C
16.03. | jasno | 2.6 °C
17.03. | mírné sněžení | -2.5 °C
Lipová-lázně 25
79061 Lipová-lázně

Česká republika


+420 775 775 942
Lipová-lázně 25
79061 Lipová-lázně, Česká republika
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Hotel Helios, Lipová-lázně

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Hotel Helios

Hotel Helios

Hotel Helios is a new built wellness complex in Jeseniky. It spreads on 6000 square meters. It offers pleasant family accommodation in recreational area Lipo...Hotel Helios is a new built wellness complex in Jeseniky. It spreads on 6000 square meters ... (more)
Lipová Trails

Lipová Trails

Lipová Trails are suburban trailcentrum for a half-day riding for the whole family in the village of Lipová-lázně. Lipová Trails are less demanding than Rychleby Trails. Bikers can ride on smoothed gravel in banked turns and over the waves. Than ... (more)
The Miroslav Ski Centre

The Miroslav Ski Centre

The Miroslav Ski Centre is located in the spa community of Lipová-lázně. The area includes over 3 km of downhill slopes of moderate difficulty. They are suitable for both beginning and intermediate skiers.Guests can take advantage of ski schools, ... (more)
Johann Schroth museum

Johann Schroth museum

Johann Schroth Museum, founder of the spa in the Dolní Lipová, you can find at the newly renovated house no. 476 in Lipová Lázně town, directly under the railway station. The aim of museum is to describe the spa in the village and the prewar and ... (more)
The Lázeňský vrch ski centre

The Lázeňský vrch ski centre

The Lázeňský vrch ski centreThe Lázeňský vrch ski centre is located at the junction of the Rychlebské and Hrubý Jeseník Mountains, above Lipová-lázně, and in the immediate vicinity of the Dolní Lipová spa centre. It is located a mere 20 ... (more)
1.8 °C
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